Thursday, April 25, 2013

Visiting the Tucson area

April 2nd, 2013

Once we crossed the border at Nogales, we happily settled in at Lazy Days RV Resort for 3 days in Tucson.  Lazy Days has been one of our favorite campgrounds as it has a great swimming pool and hot tub. The facilities are top rate...but so is the price. We limit our stay to a few days so that we don't put a big dent in the bank account.

From our base at Lazy Days, we took day trips to a couple of places in the Tucson area we had on our TDL (to do list) which is separate from our Bucket List. TDL isn't such a big deal.

April 3rd we visited the Biosphere 2 located at Oracle, AZ about 30 miles north of Tucson.  Constructed between 1987 and 1991, the Biosphere was originally built to be an artificial, essentially closed ecological system by Space Biosphere Ventures. The first mission consisted of 8 people who were self-sustained within the Biosphere from September 26, 1991 to September 26, 1993.  If you would like to read the detailed account, please use the following link.

The Biosphere was purchased in 2011 by the University of Arizona as an earth systems science research facility.

The artificial ocean included coral and fish, some originals still exist.

Tropical jungle area.

Another view of ocean, showing the beach.
The Bioshphere

The white dome is the "lung" which controlled air pressure within the complex.

April 4th we spent the morning on a tour of the Titan Missile Museum south of Tucson.  The structure consists of 8 levels beneath the ground from the missile warhead at the top to the rocket engines at the bottom. We visited only the first and second levels on our general tour.  An amazing place but not for the claustrophobic.

For more information click on
A former base commander leads the control room tour. We got to see the famous firing keys that never got used.

Umbilical connection to the rocket.

Looking up towards the warhead.

This is one of the security patrol jeeps.

Checking out the business end of the rocket engine.

Looking down into the silo.

As we left the museum we noticed the cacti were in bloom in the garden by the front doors.
Part of the cactus garden outside the office.

Flower of the barrel cactus.

A cactus flower.
There were several samples of this type of rock, Azurite and Malachite, on display at both the Biosphere and the Titan Missile Museum.  The plaque below details this particular sample.

After lunch, we drove north from the east side of Tucson on the Catalina Highway (or the Hitchcock Highway) which runs up the Santa Catalina Mountains to Summerhaven at the top of Mt. Lemmon,  It is a beautiful scenic drive up the curvy road to Mt. Lemmon.  Within 38 miles (61 km) we drove from an elevation of 2389 ft to 9157 ft.  We should have taken our ski jackets with us as at the top it was cool and there was still snow along the side of the road!

A scenic outlook.

Rock formations in this area.

A view of Tucson from part way up Mt Lemmon
Another view of the rock formations.

The ski area at the top of the mountain. Our first view of snow since who knows when.

The bright white buildings beyond the ridge left of centre are the Biosphere located 30 miles north of Tucson

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Copper Canyon tour March 2013

A Trip of Extremes..from hot to cold from high to low.

Picture Book with all the pictures of our trip. Click on the first picture...the engine. Then click on the "Full Size" button for best viewing.

We had heard of the Copper Canyon for years and were looking forward to seeing this wonder of the world but just had not had the right opportunity to do it. This year everything came together and we did it!

We wanted to see as much as we could and keep our costs reasonable. You can do this trip over the top of several thousand dollars or on just a under a $1000.

March 21st we left Mazatlan for El Fuerte.  We booked a spot in the Hotel Bugambillas courtyard to park our RV while we did the train excursion to Copper Canyon.  175 pesos per night with 15 amp service via extension cords. No water or Internet. Hotel Bugambillas is at an altitude of 252 ft. We had a 15 amp plug-in to maintain our fridge while we were away for almost a week.  Beware of the blackflies - use bug spray before stepping out of the RV here.  We were met by a swarm and had numerous bites within moments of arriving! Daytime seems to be worse than after dark.

We caught the El Chepe train in El Fuerte the next morning for a 4 hour ride to Posada Barrancas (altitude of 7,500 ft). The train travels at a slow speed (typically 25 mph, 40 kph) as it is climbing from 252 ft to 7,500 ft, going through many tunnels. At the town of Temoris, travels up 3 levels of tracks along the side of the mountain to gain altitude.

We stayed at Cabanas Diaz for 2 nights in rustic cabins, each with their own fireplace.  Our package of room, food and tour cost $2100 pesos per couple.  Our tour guide Armando drove us to observations posts along the rim of Copper Canyon from Posada Barrancas to Divisadero, and onward to Creel. 
Just outside Creel, we visited the Mission de San Ignacio, Valle de las Ranas (valley of the frogs), Valle de las Hongos (valley of the mushrooms) and the cave dwelling of a Tarahumara family.  We stopped in Creel for lunch and to explore the town.  Everywhere we stopped there were groups Tarahumara Indians selling their woven straw items.  The cheapest prices for these woven straw items were in the stores in Creel.  Creel is at an altitude of 7,694 ft.

We stopped at the Teleferico (tram) Divisadero for a 45 minute ride over the canyon at a cost of $250 pesos per person. There were also zip line rides available from the tram station. There is also an extreme bicycle trail down the canyon for the highly experienced and adventuresome.

Here is a link to a video of the cliff face at Divisidero.

March 23rd we left Posada Barrancas by train for a 90 minute trip to westward Bauichivo. (altitude 5,495)  Alberto of Jade Tours met us at the station for the 45 minute drive down to the town of Cerocahui.  We toured the church and stopped for Happy Hour the Mission Hotel in Cerocahui. (altitude 5,325 ft)  The mission was established in 1555 but the church was not built until 1690. The hotel is an expensive place to stay so we only had drinks at the bar which were very good.

The next morning we left early for the 2 1/2 hour drive down to Urique which is the deepest part of the Copper Canyon. (altitude 1859 ft) The road down is a mostly one lane dirt road traveling along the edge of the mountain.  It was like scenes from an Indian Jones movie:  few spots wide enough to pass another vehicle and pure drop off beside the car!  The drive was worth it as the view of the canyon was spectacular!

We walked the town of Urique viewing the airstrip (which does dual duty as a street), the church established in 1690 and the old mine pay office.  We did the return  2 1/2 trip up to Cerocahui in time for dinner.  Package cost of hotel, meals and tour was $2400 pesos per couple.

March 25th we were ready to be driven back to Bauichivo to take the train back to El Fuerte. A Chevy Suburban was supposed to meet us a 1 PM and did not show. Now we were getting a little worried. Our host, Francia, scrambled to get a Ford Exporer but it was too small for 6 passengers plus the driver. Francia then coaxed a Jeep into duty and John and Pat jumped in with the other 4 in the Explorer. Off we went 15 minutes late and worrying about missing the train. Along the route, we met up the Suburban and switched over. John and Pat were very pleased as the Jeep was very stiff and bumpy and very dusty.

All ticket costs were for First Class tickets.  Second class would have been cheaper but there no seats available as we were traveling during the Easter holiday week. (Santa Semana)  Our train fares were as follows:

El Fuerte to Posada Barrancas  $749 pesos per person
Posada Barrancas to Bauichivo $420 pesos per person
Bauichivo to El Fuerte               $599 pesos per person

Our packages were for stays at small, inexpensive hotels.  The cost we paid for the package of 2 nights stay, tour and food at Cabanas Diaz was the same as the cost of one night in a room at the Mission Hotel in Cerocahua where it cost an additional $120 pesos for buffet breakfast and $210 pesos for supper on the days we visited there..

Our total cost for one couple for our tour was $845 CAD which included hotel, food, drinks, tips and tour guides.

Picture Book with all the pictures of our trip. Click on the first picture...the engine. Then click on the "Full Size" button for best viewing.