Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday December 26th

Bev says:
I arrived back in Lo De Marcos on December 21st.  My mother seems to be recovering successfully.  I am feeling low with a cold and irritating cough. I feel very much in the Christmas mood and will give it to Vic so he can enjoy his birthday. Hah!

On Christmas Eve, we spent the afternoon playing games with Mike & Mavis. Lots of fun and a few drinks.  We went to dinner at our favourite local restaurant, Sugar & Spice and enjoyed a rib dinner. We walked around the village after dinner and found one of the streets blocked off for a local street party. We stopped to watch the children and their pinatas. They would string up Santa Claus on a rope and then take big swings with a big stick. The poor guy was getting the stuffing knocked out of him. When he finally got ruptured, his guts spilled down on the street and the kids rushed in like vultures and scooped up all the guts. OK, it wasn't guts. It was candy treats and the kids were really having a lot of fun.

We joined friends at El Caracol for a pot luck dinner on Christmas Day.  A great spread of turkey breasts, ham, salads, potatoes, veggies, various kinds of pies, mincemeat tarts, etc.  Our contribution was the mincemeat tarts and rice crispie squares, which a lot of people really enjoyed. There were about 25 people there and everyone enjoyed themselves.

The beach has been busier the last few days with Mexican families here to celebrate the holiday week.  The surf seems to be picking up and Vic hopes to be able to boogie board.

Vic says:
The hummingbirds continue to amuse us. They are so interesting to watch, as they flit back and forth. One stopped at our hanging Christmas decoration and searched the red bows, thinking they were flowers, looking for the nectar. Amusing. One hovered within inches of Vic's face, almost like saying "What's with these strange flowers you have?"

I made a hummingbird feeder for Mavis using a plastic Coca Cola bottle, and a small plastic storage container. I cut up a Coca Cola can into four little flowers and glued them onto the container. Then I cut holes into the flowers. I filled the bottle with sugar water and it was ready to hang. That was yesterday and already today the hummingbirds were coming to the new feeder. I didn't invent it...just found the instructions on the Internet.

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