Sunday, February 13, 2011

An exciting day

Yesterday (Friday Feb 11th) started out normally and we went into Puerto Vallarta to meet up with daughter Laura and her husband Bill. This was there final day in town and we went for a late brunch at Mr. Cream in the Marina complex. Good food but not that exciting.

We dropped Laura & Bill at the airport and headed back to Lo de Marcos. No excitement yet.

We spent a couple of hours on the beach after getting home. No excitement, just waves as usual, but not any boogie-board waves.

We arrived back to the park to find that a colt had just been born on the other side of the wall surrounding the park. We all crowded up to the wall and watch the proceedings. Now this was least for us. The colt was born about 5:30 PM and our pics were within a few minutes of the birth.

Here is bunch of pics to show the story of a colt struggling to come to terms with its new environment.

Minutes after birth.

Still wrapped in placenta and the umbilical is attached.

Struggling to rise for the first time.

After a futile attempt, it is time for a rest.

Encouragement from mom.

Ass over tea-kettle after trying to stand up.

Mom whispers in its ear "Get up, people are watching".

Still to tired but the umbilical has broken away and the colt is free.

Try try try.

And again.

And again.

Mom and colt rest up.

Another vain.

The light is now fading at about 7:00 PM, about an hour and half into this colts short life. It doesn't look like the colt will get up anytime soon so we went inside for dinner. About 10:00 PM, I checked to see how things were going. The colt was still on the ground and the mare was standing nearby. The temperature would drop to less than 11C overnight and I was not sure the colt would make it through the night.

Next morning the colt is up and walking.

Colt with the mare being walked to the stable.


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