Friday, March 25, 2011

Los Glorias – NOT

It was NOT glorious in Las Glorias

We had high expectations that Los Glorias was going to be such a nice spot to stop at for a few days. It is in a good location on our route northward that breaks up the 10 hour drive between Mazatlan and San Carlos. But it is a 45+ minute drive off the highway. But with the expansive beach and seclusion it should be worth it.
We arrived expecting to stay 3 nights and now can’t wait until morning to get out of here. The beach goes for miles, wide and nearly flat. Sand dunes back the beach and then totally flat land behind them. The wind is blowing about 30 miles an hour, constantly. The ocean is too rough for swimming and the waves aren’t large enough to boogieboard. And the dusty sand is blowing everywhere. Dust is coating the rig, not just outside, but inside. We have to close the windows facing into the wind. Thankfully the temperature didn’t get too hot.
The campground is supposed to have free WiFi. Huh! You get internet access by using a rocket stick that I had to borrow from the girl in the office. Not the fastest service either but we got to check emails and send out a note of today’s safe journey. Later it will turn out the the stick software would screw up our normal WiFi settings and will need some research on how to fix.
Then there are the other services. We have water service right to our site but there isn’t enough pressure to push the water up the hose and into the rig. There is a 15 amp outlet and a sewer dump. We don’t need the sewer yet so that is no big plus.
The campground sites are all dusty sand, without concrete pads and dirt gets tracked into the rig even when you try not to. 
There is a restaurant and we hear it has good food, but we don't eat there as we have dinner on board. (We need to consume all our meat or throw it out before we reach the border.)

Ok for all these negatives, maybe we would have a different opinion if the wind wasn’t blowing so hard. The walk on the beach would have been enjoyable, miles on end hunting for shells. We could have sat outside enjoying the gentle ocean breeze, watching the waves lap the shore. Or gone for a swim in the pool. It might have been nice. Later, we will learn that people who had stayed at another beach location south of us, would have the same windy conditions and blowing sand.
But…there is  caravan of 25 Quebecois arriving tomorrow and we don’t want to be around when they take over the park. They do like to party and talk loudly.

Tomorrow morning we leave for Guaymas / San Carlos to stay at Totonaka RV Campground, where we stayed on our first night coming south. We will spend a week there, exploring and relaxing, before heading north the final 400 km to the border in Nogales.

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