Saturday, November 10, 2012

Deming, New Mexico

Since our last post, we spent 2 days at Coffee Creek RV Resort which is located 50 miles west of Fort Worth, Texas.  Bev and Pat enjoyed the luxury of the hot tub after the day of driving while Vic and John got a bit of work done on our RVs while we were there.

On November 8th, we left Coffee Creek to head to Pecos, Texas.  This was the day we saw our first cotton fields of the trip.  We stopped for gas at Abilene, paying $3.10 per gallon.  The day was warm - a pleasant 77F when we stopped at a rest area for lunch.

Friday November 9th, we headed to El Paso to shop at a computer store for a few items, passing into the Mountain Time Zone. Then we headed to the LoW HI Ranch at Deming, New Mexico.  We had planned to stay only one night here but there is a Wind Advisory for Saturday with winds gusting to 60 mph so we'll stay tucked in here for another night before heading out to Tucson. 

Our cheapest gas so far this trip was at the ALON (formerly Fina) in Las Cruces, just north of El Paso.  $2.91/gallon which works out to about 76 cents/litre!

Between Las Cruces and Deming we ran into a rain storm for a few miles. On the other side of the storm was a beautiful rainbow. We were conveniently approaching a rest stop and pulled in for a photo op.

Our rigs with rainbow.

Vic and Bev's moho in front of Pot of Gold.

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