Saturday, March 9, 2013

Trip to Tequila

February 21, 2013

We took a 2 day trip with our friends John and Pat to the town of Tequila in the state of Jalisco.  The town has 26 tequilla distilleriers.  The most well known are Jose Cuervo and Sauza.

The trip to Tequila from Lo de Marcos took us about 4 1/2 hours including stops for gas and photo opportunities.  The drive on Hwy 200 Libre was very scenic through mountain valleys.

Our first stop was at a lookout area to admire the lava field created by the eruption in the early 1870’s of the volcano Ceboruco.

Highway 200 runs through the massive lava field
Boulders of lava

Upon our arrival in Tequila, we booked into Casa Dulce Maria.  It was a lovely hotel about a block and a half from the town square and within easy walking distance to tours and eateries.

 the lobby area of the hotel

a living wall on one side of the lobby

When we informed the receptionist that we were interested in taking a tour of the Sauza distillery, she called the local tour company.  An English speaking tour guide arrived within 10 minutes to discuss our options.  We made an appointment for a 1 hour tour of the town followed by a 1 hour tour of the Sauza distillery.

photo of Sauza estate home
A blue agave grown for the production of tequila

The male agave produce offspring, while the female agave produces a tree with seeds
 old tequila stills

new version of tequila stills

free cocktails were provided at the end of our tour
another mural of the story of tequila at the town square
statue of 3 jimadores preparing the agave pinas (in the background is the church built in the 18th century)
The municipal office mural depicting the discovery of making tequila by fermenting agave juice
one of the many valleys on our journey back to Lo de Marcos

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