Thursday, December 12, 2013

Back in the swing of things

We are getting back into our regular routine in Lo de Marcos.

The weather is hot -- daytime highs of  91F (33C) and low overnight of 66F (18C).  Vic brought our pool thermometer with us to measure the ocean temperature.  The water off our beach has dropped from 85F (29C) to 82F (28C) since we got here but is still great for spending lots of time relaxing in the ocean.

Each afternoon we head to the beach about 1:30 or 2:00 pm until 4 pm.  We had 3 days of boogie board waves this week then another 3 days of calm. Here are a few photos of our view from under the palm trees.

Looking to the north end of the beach.  Someone measured the length of the beach recently.  It is 2.5 km long.

Some friends relaxing with a float in the calm water.  The shrimp boat and fishing boats moor closer to shore when the  Pacific Ocean is peaceful.

A view towards the south end of the beach where a boat is being prepared for a 2 hr whale tour. 
Vic reading an e-book before going for a swim in the ocean.

We've been busy putting up Christmas lights and decorations at our site at Savage RV Park.
Decorations we installed at the base of the palm tree beside our RV

The 14" wreath above and the 22" candy cane below have been hand woven from straw. We hung them via suction cups by the entrance door of our motorhome.  A lady came down from Puebla MX to sell her straw wares in our town.  She came to our campground one evening at dinner time.   Each item cost 100 pesos (about $8.22 CAD)

This year we placed our little Christmas tree in the palapa which is our social area in the campground.

Tuesday Dec 3rd we attended the first music night of the season at La Parota RV Park. Free entertainment.  Guests contribute an appetizer plus bring their own drinks and chairs. Several of the entertainers are professionals.

6 of us are attending Mexican cooking lessons at 9 am on Friday mornings.  Our teacher, Julia, also provides private Spanish lessons.  She and her husband own one of our local vegetable and fruit stores plus the new NAPA auto parts store in town.

Julia demonstrating how to stuff pablano peppers for chiles rellenos
Yesterday morning as we walked the beach, we spotted a large heron fishing in the surf.  Walkers on the beach passed right by him and he didn't fly away!

the heron ignored anyone walking by

the heron allowed us to get up close to snap a photo
We also were able to get up close to a Little Blue Heron fishing in the lagoon near the beach.

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