Monday, March 5, 2018

Enjoying the wildlife, etc

We are very lucky that we are situated next to a pond where lots of birds drop in to feed plus there are 12 large turtles.  One day we had a flock of 23 roseate spoonbills that flew in to feed just for a couple of hours then they took off! More recently we have had as many as 18 wood storks visiting the pond.

But most days we see just a couple of wood storks, 1 or 2 roseate spoonbills, ibis (brown and white), egrets, a great blue heron, cormorants.
3 roseate spoonbills on left with wood storks on the right

Sitting on our patio we enjoy watching the birds visiting our humming bird feeder. Lately there have been several orioles beside the usual cinnamon and black-chin hummingbirds. 

Plus a woodpecker comes from time to time to check out what's going on from our awning over the patio.
I've even seen the woodpecker land on the top of the hummingbird feeder while the oriole was feeding but both flew away before I could take a photo.

The flowers are beautiful here.  There are lots of mandevilla vines with various colours of flowers. We were able to purchase 2 mandevillas at home to enjoy on our patio in the summer.

On the wall behind our RV sites there are hibiscus growing plus other vines that I enjoy viewing as I hang our laundry to dry.

Red passion flower

We also have a small flower garden at the front of our site where we have a rosemary bush, basil plants, and 2 rose bushes that we've planted.  There are many other plants courtesy of previous tenants and the manager of the park.  This year our rose bushes did quite well even though they are very tiny bushes.

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