Thursday, March 14, 2019

Hiking to see the Petroglyphs

On Jan 31st we joined the local hiking group for a 4 hour hike up the hill on the north side of Lo de Marcos to view the petroglyphs and surrounding area.  We had hiked the hill on our own several times before but had never seen the petroglyphs.  No wonder -- they were on the back side of boulders along the trail!

The petroglyphs are easier to find now as a new housing development is underway and the petroglyphs in various areas have been surrounded by barbed wire to prevent vandalism.  Unfortunately we won't be able to enter the area much longer as they will be on private properties.

There were beautiful views from three different stopping points.

Marina construction for new Mandarina development

Our guide Oliver Cruz taught us about local vegetation, fruits and nuts plus pointed out many of the birds along the trail.

an Ibis along the river

A photo of the group of hikers on this excursion.
A map of our route:

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