Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dec 17 Thursday – Shopping Trip to PV

Walter has announced that they are heading into Puerto Vallarta to shop at Costco and have invited all of us to join in. The six of us pile into his truck and head for the big city at 8 AM.

The road into PV, Hwy 200, runs through some big hills and twists and turns, as it parallels the coast. As usual, we get stuck behind heavy trucks grinding their way up the hills. You just need a lot of patience to wait for an opening to pass. Unless of course your are a Mexican driver, then you can pass in No Passing zones, on curves and hills. We haven't been on this stretch of highway for several years and the landmarks bring back memories of past trips. Sayulita, San Francisco, then Bucerias. Wow...Bucerias has really changed. Lots of new condos and stores..even a Home Depot and WalMart.

And then on into PV. Really lots of changes here. New condos and hotels and shopping plazas to go with them.

At Costco we stock up on wine, which is not easy to find at a reasonable price in Mexico. We get six bottles of red Chilean wine and 6 white from Germany no less. All were less than $5 per bottle. We found the Jose Cuervo Margarita mix at the best price we have seen anywhere…36 pesos each. Four of these will last a couple of weeks. Maybe. The Jose Cuervo Especial Tequila is also very cheap at 109 pesos for a liter. In the food department, we are able to find turkey breasts, that we will cook on Christmas day. We also get some fish and chicken.

Bev and Jan look over the veggies in WalMart.

All finished at Costco, our next stop a new WalMart and pickup pineapple and mango juices (jugos) on sale, as well as cheese slices, bacon (tocino), and swimming noodles (flotadores). Then we head on to the Soriana supermarket for more “stuff” and walk out with a bottle of tequila liqueur, even cheaper than what we paid five years ago…176 vrs 225.

All done? Nope…we stop in at the Mega supermarket for even more “stuff”. We don’t need anything else but Jan & Dale and Walter & Carol top up with more. Finally, we head back home, leaving several thousand pesos behind in PV.

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