Monday, December 13, 2010

Setting in

We just got settled in and Bev had to catch a flight home on Saturday. Her mom is in hospital and not doing well so she just had to get back. Meanwhile, I'm here lonely but not forgotten. It is great to Skype with the family and see Maxine. She really gets a hoot out of seeing Grampa and the computer and bangs away on the keyboard just like Mommy and Daddy do. She is a quick learner.

Before Bev left, she did get the hummingbird feeder up, but didn't get to see any. Well, they have been around and are amusing to watch. I am having trouble identifying them but there is at least a black-chinned and a cinnamon. Not sure of the others. They may be immature or females with little coloration.

I can sit at the window with the screen slid back and shoot pictures of these little guys. They are getting more comfortable by the day and are now flying under the awning. I now call it the hummingbird highway, outside my door. They are very territorial and there are several tiffs throughout the day. You see these little dots zipping around so fast that you can't keep track of them.

Yesterday I walked way down the beach and I heard some squawking in the trees and went exploring. I saw these wonderful large blue birds with very long tails and a crest on the head. Big birds. No binoculars or camera so they are just a memory. It took a lot of searching to find the name but eventually I determined that they were White-throated Magpies.

Here is a picture of the White-throated Magpie

Later in the afternoon, the surf was up. The first time since we got here. I got some time in the waves on the boogie board but kept to the small stuff in-shore. I was helping Mike with his first time on the board. He did well and seems to enjoy it a lot. Soon I will go out to the bigger waves and longer rides.

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