Tuesday, March 15, 2011

sample of expenses

Today I went to the local butcher.  For 72 pesos ($6.00 Canadian) I purchased 1/2 kg of  extra lean ground beef and 1/2 kg of smoked pork chops.

1 kg of tortillas costs 11 pesos (less than $1) and is way too much for 2 people to eat before going stale.  We usually buy 1/4 kg of tortillas at a time. 

Bread from the bakery is relatively expensive:  250 pesos ($2.09) for a small loaf and 400 pesos ($3.33) so I bring my own breadmaker.  $20 worth of flour lasts me the entire 5 months we are away as we eat only 1 loaf of bread per week.

There are now 4 hair salons in Lo De Marcos.  The cost of a haircut ranges in price from 30 pesos ($2.50) to 45 pesos (< $4) -- same price  for man & woman.

The dentist in town charges 300 pesos ($25) to clean one's teeth and check for cavities.

Hydro is expensive here at 3.5 pesos (almost 30 cents) per kwh.  We run our furnaces, fridge, stove and water heater on propane.  We use hydro for small appliances, microwave, TV & computer.  Our total hydro bill for our 3 months 3 weeks stay in Lo De Marcos is 900 pesos ($75). 

Our total cost of propane since we left home has been $119.

The price of gas for our vehicles has risen to 9.0 pesos (about 85 cents) per litre.

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