Friday, February 10, 2012

Our family together

We were lucky to have both our children and their families visit us in January.  It was a wonderful time for all of us and a special gift for Vic's birthday.

We spent a day together at the condo in Puerto Vallarta before Laura, Bill and Addison flew home.

Lunch by the pool at the condo
Maxine shares her goodies with Addison.
Our children and their daughters
Shannon and Maxine enjoying the pool at the condo                                                                                      Fun times in Lo de Marcos with Warren, Shannon and Maxine:

Papa takes Maxine to visit the horse
Mommy & Maxine waving to Daddy and Papa

Daddy's boogie boarding while Nana and Papa help Maxine jump in the waves
fun building sand castles
Vic and Warren enjoying the waves
Maxine helps Papa pick out fresh fruit and veggies from the truck
Maxine enjoys the band at the Blue Pig
Maxine wanted to dance rather than eat!
A nice family photo of Warren, Shannon and Maxine

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