Monday, November 19, 2012

Fresh Seafood in Mazatlan

Monday November 19th

We're getting spoiled with the vendors that appear here in the RV park.  Yesterday we purchased fresh Durado (mahi mahi) for $120 peso per kilo.  We had some of it for dinner last night -- so nice and tender!

This morning we purchased 1/2 kilo of jumbo shrimp (head off) for $95 pesos from Rico.  He offered to clean them for us but we declined.  We'll have some for tonight's menu. 

Then 30 minutes later, in comes a vendor selling large rock lobster.  A bag of 10 lobsters for $450 pesos so we split a bag with our friends.  We'll have some tomorrow night and freeze the rest as we only saw lobster for sale twice in Lo de Marcos last winter and they were much smaller in size.  Here are some photos of the vendor cutting and cleaning the lobster for us.

A few of the lobster already cut and cleaned

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