Tuesday, March 3, 2015

It's March already!

It's March and many RVers (especially those from BC) are heading north.  We will stay a while longer as Ontario is still under a cold spell.

In the meantime, we're getting last minute chores accomplished.  We found Carlos, an upholsterer in San Pancho, to restitch the seams on our slide overs.  We have had our teeth cleaned and checked by our dentist in La Penita -- total cost $400 pesos each (about $34 CAD) for our visit.

The past week there have been no waves for boogie boarding.  Schools of small fish are coming close to shore so we have hundreds of pelicans swooping down to catch a meal.

in the background you can see  2 of  9 shrimp boats that have been moored off the coast for the past 3 days

So we just sit and enjoy the breeze off the ocean for the afternoon but don't go swimming with all those pelicans.

A week ago two foals were born in the field behind us.  We were able to capture a photo of one of them but the other appears to be weak as it spends the majority of it's time lying down.

During the weekend we were out to the regular Saturday event in town -- taco night.  It's a cheap night out at total cost of $94 pesos (less than $8 CAD) for 2 drinks and 4 tacos (2 were seafood so pricier than usual pork or beef tacos).

We noticed a pair of barn swallows nesting in the roof of the restaurant.

Here are a few photos of our everyday spots.

The view from the patio at El Caracol where Bev attends yoga class on Mon, Wed and Fri.  It is wonderful having classes outdoors and they;re free!

The scenery Bev views while hanging out the laundry.  That's right -- no dryers here.  Just the sun and breeze for a few hours does the job.

We pay $15 pesos per load to use the washing machine (about $1.25 CAD)

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