Wednesday, November 8, 2017

What shittie weather 😢

Snow in Arkansas

I remarked to Bev that this year's trip has been the worst weather overall of any year we have gone south.
First day...cloudy and cold. Heading south from, mist, mizzle, a little rain. From Effingham Illinois to Little Rock...rain, heavy rain bursts but warm. Then we saw snow in the fields of Arkansas.

The next leg to Dallas started cloudy but warmer. We actually saw the sun for brief glimpses.

Psst. ..I lied about the snow. It's cotton ready for pickin'.😈

Rain rain go far away

The day spent in Dallas was cloudy and turning colder. We packed up in the rain on Wednesday morning with temperature about 10C and dropped to 8C by Austin. Rain all the way except for last 20 minutes of trip.
We are now in Lockhart Texas, NE of San Antonio, the home of the best BBQ in all the world. You can see a previous post about Black's and that is our gastronomic choice for tonight.

As bad as the weather has been,  we are thankful we are not home. Thursday forecast is snow and -9C overnight.

We look forward to Mission tomorrow and hopefully leave behind the cool and wet.

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