Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dec 1 Another Rainy Day

Yesterday it rained all day. It also rained all night. Guess what today is like! Rain all day. In fact, we are having a thunderstorm right now. What shitty weather.

The weather is delaying our departure to Mexico as we need some dry weather to dry out the outdoor stuff and do the vehicle check (oil levels, air pressure, etc.)

Today wasn't wasted as Bev got the laundry done while I installed a replacement AC voltmeter so we can now see what the house AC voltage is. It is important to know if it goes too low as it could harm some appliances. I also removed the windshield cover, broke down the outdoor BBQ table, and put the BBQ in storage.

We also got the propane tank filled. There is a couple of different vendors that come around with a propane trunk to service the RVs in the park. Very handy for us and a captive market for them. Under half a tank cost $26.25. I didn't make a note of the unit cost or how many gallons/pounds he put in.

Tomorrow's weather is supposed to be better, so we should get our preparations done and get underway on Thursday.

We plan to go out for dinner to Peter Piper Pizza...our first dining out. Really splurging this time.

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