Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dec 5th Saturday – Day 2 in San Luis Potosi

In the morning, I finish off the chimney repairs and install the “new” vent cover. Good as new.

The roof is another story. There are numerous rips and tears all along the edge. There is no way we can proceed without getting the roof sealed. Luckily I have a roll of white duct tape and set about to seal up the rips. The tape won’t stick to the roofing material so we try soap and water, without success. I resort to using a can of aerosol brake cleaner to get the roof clean enough for the tape to stick. Then I use roofing sealant to seal all the edges of the tape to hopefully keep everything in place. Time will tell if this cobbled together solution will last long enough to get us through the winter.

During all this repair process, Bev has been talking to the owner’s wife who can speak a little English and to her daughter, about 10 years old. The daughter has been taking English in school and is very eager to put her lessons to use. She asks to look inside the RV and Bev obliges. She is in awe and gushes to her mother about the RV. Later on she returns with her cousins and asks if they can all look inside. This time the daughter gives the tour, pointing out “bedroom”, “bathroom”, etc in English. Then she suddenly sees my radio controlled airplane hanging from the bedroom ceiling and exclaims “avion” to her cousins. They are all excited to be able to look around.

I tell Pedro that we are leaving early in the morning and ask him what we owe for the two days. Wisely he offers US$15 and I give him 180 pesos. I could have suggested zero but considering the damage was done while off of his property, I can understand his point. From my perspective, his is partially responsible for not having his gate open and for having a misleading sign. If he had asked for full rate, I would have flatly refused.

It turns out that Pedro and his wife Susan also own a restaurant down the road towards the city. We opt to eat out and try out their restaurant. As we enter, we are greeted than none other than the daughter, who is gushing over us. She is so excited to see us and use her English. We both enjoy our meals in the lovely restaurant and we are the only customers. The food was excellent and inexpensive. I am sure this is their low season, as there would be no way they could keep a nice place going for long.

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