Saturday, March 3, 2012

La Tovara and San Blas

Lovely photo of egret and reflection.

The mangroves create a tunnel over the channel.

On Monday, February 27th we visited La Tovara National Park to take a jungle river tour. The park is located just south of the town of San Blas, Nayarit which is about a 2 hour drive north of Lo de Marcos.  Our group of 8 arrived about 10 am and were assigned a boat with a very good guide who spent about 4 hours with us traveling the river.  He showed us over 33 varieties of birds as well as turtles and crocodiles.  He stopped along the way to allow us to take as many photos as we wished. The boat and guide cost us $140 pesos each (just over $10 CAD). We also stopped at the Crocodile Sanctuary during our trip where we made a donation of $10 pesos each (Less than $1 CAD),  The cages at the sanctuary are in the process of being rebuilt.  There were many large crocodiles in the sanctuary as well as a jaguar, peccaries, hawks, deer and geese.

Purple Gallinule

Link to Pics of Trip The entire album of 94 pics is located on Picasa web site.

This pic is specially for Maxine.

We also stopped for lunch during our tour of the river.  The food at the little cafe was excellent.  We enjoyed cheese quesadillas, shrimp quesadillas and creamy shrimp soup. All were delicious.  The water in the area was spring fed with an area fenced off to allow swimming free of any danger of crocodiles but unfortunately none of us had brought our bathing suits!

After the river tour, headed to the town of San Blas to view the old fort and the very old church.

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