Monday, November 16, 2009

Nov 16 Monday Settling to Home for 2 Weeks

Our spot is next to another couple from North Bay, who have taken up the RV life full time. We learn there are others from Ottawa and Peterborough.
Since the day starts of cloud and rainy, Bev goes off to do the laundry and Vic stays to replace the sink and light fixture in the bathroom…remember the bargains we got in Elkhart Indiana? Bev’s time is quite productive as she gets to speak with the people from Peterborough and picks up some useful camping info. She also learns they have Starchoice (Shaw Direct) and they offer to help get our dish working. Later in the afternoon, we go for a walk to their campsite, only to find they are not home. The dish is visible so Vic checks the settings and quickly realizes his error. We return to our site and align the dish and voila…HDTV. It really pays to be accurate with the elevation setting. I thought I had set the dish to 59 degrees elevation, not knowing I had mistakenly set the dish to 49 degrees. The satellite I found wasn’t the right one. That also explains why we couldn’t get it set up right in Lake Corpus Christi.
The day stays mostly cloudy and tops out at about 22C.

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