Friday, November 27, 2009

November 26 Thursday – Thanksgiving Day II

We have already stuffed ourselves once this year for our Canadian Thanksgiving Day. Now we get to go round two. The RV park has supplied a turkey for every group of about 20 people. One of the ladies living in a semi-permanent mobile home has been designated the turkey cooker, primarily because she has a regular size oven. That is one thing that most motorhomes lack. Our oven might be able to accommodate a chicken, but not a turkey. The rest of our group supplies all the trimmings, like mashed potatoes, salads, gravy, stuffing, vegetables, and desserts.
The reception hall is quite large and there were over 220 people attending. After grace, we all dig in to the food for our noon time meal. With people from all over the US and many from Canada, there is a wide variety to choose from. I tried the scalloped corn even though I had never heard of it before. It was good but I missed out on the corn stuffing. Surprise…some people actually enjoyed the turnip.
We sat across the table from a couple from Minnesota, Sue and Dan Nelson, who are on their first trip after retiring. Since we are all in the same boat, we enjoy the friendly banter and discussions of the trip so far.
Ah…then come desserts. I pick small pieces of lemon and pecan (that is pee cawn, not pee can) pie. I really enjoy the pecan pie which is better than any store-bought pecan pie I have had.

The View Looking Up Our "Street"

A Nice Cactus Across the Street

Stuffed to the gills, we waddle back to the motorhome, taking left-overs with us. We join up with our neighbours from North Bay, Norm and Claudette Fortier, for an afternoon of euchre, guys against girls. So sad for the girls as they go down in defeat 4 games to 1, we all enjoyed the time socializing and hope to get in another round before we leave for Mexico.

Then comes round two of Thanksgiving Day II. Yup, we all head back to the hall for a 5:30 PM with all the left-overs to choose from. Most people are still stuffed from noon so the plates are as heaping as before. Never the less, after the main course, I head for the pecan pie, by-passing the lemon ‘cause I’m trying to cut down.

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