Monday, November 2, 2009

Departure Day

November 1st came before we were fully ready to leave. Emotionally, we were ready, but physically...not so much. Bev had to deal with a last minute minor emergency with her mother which took some time out of her preparations. Meanwhile Vic soldiered on.

We got our house sitters comfortably established so the house will be in good hands while we are away.
We rushed through Saturday getting food and clothes packed on-board, but still had a few things to go for Sunday. Sunday dawned cloudy and sullen while we were bright and eager to get on the way. Previously we had hoped to get away early in the morning, and then realized noon would be a more realistic time. That turned out to not be the real reality. It was closer to 2 PM by the time we pulled away from the curb. A small departure committee of neighbours Bob, Reinhart and Sybille were there to wave us on. Thanks all.

By 5 PM we approached the Bluewater Bridge in Sarnia and got our first "ouch" of the trip. The bridge toll-troll demanded $9.00 for the RV and towed car. That will be an omen of more to come. A short stop at the duty-free store to stock up on cheap booze, a bottle of Canadian Club, one Jose Quervo tequilla, and one Tanqueray gin. The store clerk noted that the limit entering into the US was one 1 litre per person but the duty would be fairly low ($2-$3). Still a good deal.

Onward to the US side of the bridge and a short lineup at Customs. The agent went through the usual "Who are you?, Where ya goin', How long?, etc. She came into the RV but seemed to be interested only in if there were other people on-board. After a "clear to go", we pulled away with nary a question about booze.

First stop in the US was a stop for fuel...US$150.00 put it right near full from a 1/4 tank. What a deal! If we had filled up in Canada the bill would have been Cdn$210.00. That is one of the great things about traveling outside Canada.

The rest of the trip to La Porte Indiana was uneventful, driving in the dark the whole way, arriving about 10 PM local time. A long first day.

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